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using y files library to view an xgml file

0 votes
I would like to use the yfiles library to view an xgml file that I have modified myself. I am building an app in java which modifies an xgml file on a specific criteria and instead of manually opening up the yEd editor to view the files, I'd like my program to open up a yEd window showing my modified xgml file.

I was hoping that there would be an example of just loading up an existing file, however there doesn't seem to be any examples on the manual. I was wondering what class I would need to instantiate to make use of a method like load(filename) and it would pop open a yEd window.
in Help by (150 points)
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1 Answer

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According to the yEd Software License Agreement, you are not allowed to open a yEd window from another program ("The Software may not be used as part of an automated process.").

If you are a yFiles licensee (or are interested in acquiring a yFiles license), please contact yWorks by mail.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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