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Layout on starting yEd

0 votes
Is it possible to start yEd and load a file (this works) and then automatically perform a Layout, i.e. I create a .graphml file and when loading it in yEd it would be nice to have it creted in a nice layout (i.e. pressing the Alt-Shift-F) for me. Is this possible or should it become a feature request..


Many thanks


Wietse Dol
in Help by
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1 Answer

0 votes
Best answer
No, it is not possible to configure yEd in such a way that it automatically calculates a layout for its loaded graph.

Don't bother creating a feature request for this one. We do not allow yEd to be used in automated processes (see yEd Software License Agreement, 1. License Conditions) and will not implement any features that would make this possible.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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