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symbol import from SVG file, export the whole diagram as PDF: bad result

0 votes
I wanted to add some graphics in my diagram (as illustrations).

I created the graphics with inkscape, saved them as svg.

The only way seems to insert them into yEd seems to be the symbol import. Then place the new symbols in the diagram.

after finishing the diagram: export as PDF: bad result in the area with the new symbols, file size 0,5MB

printing ok,

print to pdf creator: good result, but big file 3MB

bug in PDF export?
in Help by (120 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Well, yEd's PDF export is handled by a third-party library (FreeHEP VectorGraphics)  that simply does not support everything you can do in SVG documents.

by [yWorks] (161k points)
ok, thanks for your answer.
I tried now:
- export as SVG
- open in inkscape: works well, but the texts seem to be a little wider than in yEd
- export as PDF: looks like in inkscape (text a little too wide)

+ vectorized result (when printing to pdfcreator all is a big bitmap)
+ small size of PDF
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