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How can I change a node from one type to another?

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I want to be able to change the appearance of a node - e.g. change a modern rectangle node to a database node. Is there a way to do that? The image of the node should be independent of the content of the node - it should just be another property.
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1 Answer

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  1. Select the node you want to change.
  2. In the palette, right-click the node style you want to use for that node to open its context menu.
  3. Choose "Apply" or "Apply Type".

Note, it is not possible to assign a group, table, or pool node style to a normal node - nor is it possible to assign a style for normal nodes to a group, table, or pool node.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
As of yEd 3.17 it is possible to use "Apply" and "Apply Type" from the context menu of the palette templates to change normal nodes to group nodes (and vice versa).
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