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Tabulation of predecessor of each nodes

0 votes
Is there a way for me to generate this table?

It have 2 columns. The 1st column is the name of the nodes, the second column is the predecessor of the coresponding nodes.


in Help by

2 Answers

0 votes
Are you trying to import data into yEd (if so, from which format) or are you trying to export data from yEd (if so, to which format)? If you already have some file to work with, can you upload said file? (Use the link option from the toolbar above to do so.)
by [yWorks] (160k points)
edited by
Hi thomas thanks for replying, lets say I just created an activity network diagram(tree view) I would like to have Yed export the a table in excel from it with 2 column, node name and then predecessor.

The 1st column is the node name the second column is the predecessor.

Node | Predecessor

Thanks in advance.
0 votes

I intended to use Yed to draw activity network diagram to be fed into a project management software. So I needed to represent the network diagram in table form.



I done it by saving it in TGF files. Open it in notepad and voila! Problem solved! This is a great tool. Much compliments to the developent team!
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