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Labeling group nodes

0 votes
I am looking for a way to label group nodes so that the label is visible all the time, regardless of whether the node is opened or closed. The idea is to have a few lines of descriptive text always visible in the node, while being able to show or hide the details.

How can I do that?

I tried the "add label" context menu item without success.
in Help by

1 Answer

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Best answer
Usually, when you create a group node it already has a label. Instead of adding a second one, change the text of the exisiting label.
Moreover, if you enable "Synchronize Open and Closed Group Label" from tab "Editior" in "File" -> "Preferences", your descriptive text will be used for both, the open and the closed group.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thanks a lot, but I was looking for descriptive text *inside the group's rectangle* (a few lines of description). The single-line label on the top left of the group is not enough for me, unfortunately...

You are not restricted to a single line of text. You may have multiple lines in the default group label as well.

That said, the "Synchronize Open and Closed Group Label" setting works only for the default label. If you need a second label inside the group, you need to add one label when the group is open and add one label (with the same text) when the group is closed.

Oh, I didn't realize that. That solves it, thanks! (Can't vote without registering, unfortunately...)
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