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Exported html flash to expand/collapse groups

0 votes
I'm new in this great tool, I'm exporting a diagram with groups, in the editor I can expand or collapse the group to see/hide its content, but exported file (html flash) do not show the sign -/+ to let me click on it to see/hide the group content.
I also try to do it with included Grouping examples, but it didn't work.
I has been looking for it in the forum and google but I was not able to find how to do it, if this is some attribute or configuration that must be applied to get it works. Also i have try exporting as HtmlImagemap.
in Help by (160 points)
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1 Answer

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Best answer
It's not possible to open or close groups in any of the export formats. These create only a static views of the graph, similar to an image.
by [yWorks] (26.8k points)
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