how do you graph a flow where several paths can go into the same operation and then split off again?
For example, lets say you have an authorisation process where one of the operations is "Mark as authorised", but then one exiting path goes to "send out contracts", another to "close application" etc depending on the type of application.
As far as I can tell there are a number of options:
a) Have a duplicate node for each path (duplications ... takes up space)
b) Label the incomming and outgoing paths (or use colours)
c) Somehow attach to a different part of the operation (top left, top middle, top right) and then flow out in similar positions (bottom left, bottom middle, bottom, right)
I did try googling this but have no idea how to describe it.
(I have attached an example look like c) and in this case works! I don't know if this is by design or a fluke. If it is by design, how do you control it to make sure the incoming and exiting paths align?)