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No resize of a lane when node is moved just to (or across) its border

0 votes


If a pool with two (or more) lanes is defined, a node placed in one lane is not bound to the lane so if you move the node outside the boundary of the lane it will not be extended (as like the pool is extended if you move a node (or a lane) just to its boundary.


Can anyone help?


I attached two GRAPHML-files (in a ZIP) to this article, so you can see what i mean. The first file "lane_problem_01_graphml" shows the starting position and the other file "lane_problem_02_graphml" the result after moving the activity acros the boundary of lane 1.




in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
The fact that you can move nodes over lane boundaries is actually the intended behavior.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
Hi Thomas

So it's clear that in the case I have a pool with for exapmle 3 lanes it is possible that after automatic layout a node is placed in the wrong lane.

Is this really intended?

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