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Live updating of graph-file

0 votes
yEd is very powerful in that the user is actually wokring with a real graph where nodes are extendable with custom properties. This makes for a very powerful use case when inegrating with other data sources. One such use case would be to have parts of a graph (properties) updatable from other applications (e.g. a node representing a software system getting status properties completed live). Is there any way of live updating the underlying graph file in yEd?
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1 Answer

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Best answer

Unfortunately, no. yEd currently does support neither live updates nor incremental updates.

yEd is not intended for integration with other software. If this is an important use case for you and developing your own custom-tailored application is an option for you, please take a look at the yFiles libraries.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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