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How do I producing smaller SVGs

0 votes
We're currently abusing yfiles and producing SVGs that are far too large.  Also, our main yfiles developer moved on. If someone could direct me to a documentation page dealing with producing effieciently-sized SVGs that would be great.  Yeah.

To give an example of the issues I see, I want to draw a large number of doodads. In the SVG file, each one includes the exact same CSS. And while I have 5 doodad types, each doodad includes the same graphic as all the other similar doodads.

Any bone you could throw would be great.
closed with the note: Not a yEd question.
in Help by (120 points)
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1 Answer

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This forum is for yEd questions only. For questions regarding one of the yFiles programming libraries, please contact yWorks support by mail. (Please include your yWorks customer or evaluator ID in your mail when doing so.)

by [yWorks] (161k points)
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