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make GUI font size bigger?

+6 votes

I'm using yEd in a Linux laptop with a 14inch LCD whose resolution is 2560x1440. The yEd user interface is very tiny, and I want to make fonts bigger. How can I increase the font size for the user GUI?

To show how tiny the font is, I made a screen shot. The titel bar "yEd" is 16 on my screen. The yEd menu fonts such as File is only half of the size. It hurts my eyes, but I can't find a place in Preferences to increase the font size. This is true for all other GUI fonts including titles of Palette and font in the property panel and so on.

in Help by (180 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Unfortunately, this is currently not supported.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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