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change html template

0 votes
Is it possible to change the html template for html expot in yEd?

I can't find any information about that.
in Help by (220 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
Yes, this is possible. To do so, adjust the text in "Page Template" on tab "HTML"  of the HTML Image Map Export settings.
by [yWorks] (161k points)
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Where do I find the HTML Image Map Export Settings in the menu bar?
Sorry for asking. I'm pretty sure that i already saw the template editor. But now I can't find it.
The HTML Image Map Export settings are not available from the menu (or tool) bar but are displayed when you actually export a diagram with "File" -> "Export" and "Files of Type" set to "HTML ImageMap (*.htm)".
Oh thanks. Now i found what I'm looking for :)
And how can we adjust the html template permanently?
After I close yed and start it again, the changes I made are already gone.
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