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[bug?] Bends not clickable due to label overlapping it

0 votes
If an edge is selected, then all its bends are displayed, but a bend cannot be selected if a label is overlapping it.
And I was not able to select the bends of a selected edge via "Tools > Select Elements".

a) It would be great if a bend could be selected whenever it is directly clicked, even when overlapped by a label.

b) How to fetch those bends via "Tools > Select Elements". Please explain in full detail (tabs "General" to "Edge Labels") as I have tried several combinations to no avail.

yEd 3.16.1 on Windows 10 1511 64-Bit with JRE 8u102

Kind regards
in Help by (290 points)

2 Answers

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Best answer

Tested some more and found the issue: on the "General" tab "Act On Current Selection Only" was enabled.
With this setting only already selected nodes/edges/bends are taken into account.
As I only had the edge selected it could not find a bend at all.

Disabling "Act On Current Selection Only" and then using select bends on selected edges gives the expected result.

The setting "Act On Current Selection Only" is very useful. Select everything within an area and then fine-tune the selection.

I suggest to update http://yed.yworks.com/support/manual/yed_edit_find.html to make this behaviour more clear (explanation + examples).

by (290 points)
edited by
0 votes
Bends and edges cannot be selected at the same time.

a) Use CTRL+click to "cycle" the selection through all elements at the click position.

b) If you want to select all the bends of the currently selected edges, make sure that "Use These Criteria" is selected on tab "Bends" and on that tab only. Additionally option "Select" on tab "Bends" has to be set to value "Selected Edges".
by [yWorks] (162k points)
a) Must have missed that in the manuals (or plain forgotten). Can be found at http://yed.yworks.com/support/manual/edit_mode.html under section "Selecting covered elements and internal node labels"

b) see my answer for the solution plus suggestion for an manual update
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