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[bug?] Label placement "Centered" does not work with short edges

0 votes

Using label placement "Centered" works on longer edges, but not with shorter edges.
yEd 3.16.1 on Windows 10 1511 64-Bit with JRE 8u102

In this case the label reads "RF Antenna":

Kind regards

in Help by (290 points)
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1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
The "Centered" edge label model centers the label on the longest edge segment following the premise that the longest segment is the most important segment. This model works best for straight-line edges without any bends.

E.g. in your first screen shot, there is an unecessay bend in the selected edge. Remove that bend and the edge label will be placed in the center of the single edge segment.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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