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when I write on annotation object with left alignment (flowchart), I don't see the text left aligned

0 votes
Steps to reproduce bug:

1. in Category: Flowchart

2. select new Annotation object

3. set left alignment on object

4.  write text on object

5. it doesn't show left alignment text
in Help by (120 points)
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1 Answer

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The "Alignment" setting for labels refers to the alignment of text inside the label box. It does not refer to the placement inside the node box. For that, you need to set "Placement" to "Internal: Left", "Internal: Topleft", or "Internal: Bottomleft".

To see the effect of "Alignment" you need to create a label with multiple lines of text (and a non-transparent border to visualize the label box):

Corresponding GraphML.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
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