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How to pre-define Font Family, Size, Colour, and Style for swimlanes when making new pool node to add to a palette?

0 votes
I customize pools and swimlanes (font, font size, font colour) to match the overall style of the document the diagram will be used in.

My current approach is:
I edit a pool and the swimlanes in it and add it to a customized palette. The options I change are:
- Label - Colour
- Label - Font Family
- Label - Font Size
- Swimlane Node or Table Node - Header Font: Arial
- Swimlane Node or Table Node - Header Font Size: 12
Please mind that Font Style and Underlined options are not available for swimlanes.

It only works for swimlanes that are configured in the pool (2 rows, 3 columns for example).

Any time I add a new swimlane to the pool I have to manually change the font family, font size, and font colour by double-clicking on the swimlane label in the diagram, which opens a new menu containing the full set of swimlane parameters, and filling in the desired options.

Could you please explain to me how to pre-define these swimlane properties, so I don't have to manually edit them when adding a new swimlane?
If it is not currently possible, please consider
- making the full swimlane settings menu available as a part of the pool parameters configuration or
- adding a separate swimlane node and adding to it the full swimlane settings menu.
in Help by

1 Answer

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Best answer

Unfortunately, it is currently not possible to change the default settings for labels. (I have added a corresponding entry to our list of possible improvements for yEd, though.)

That said, all label settings are available for swimlane labels as well:

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thank you for adding the request to the list of possible improvements. If accepted, adding the swimlane properties section to the pool settings will make it possible to permanently set the parameters when defining a new pool/swimlane parameters for a customised palette.

I do use the swimlane label settings to change the parameters once new swimlanes are added to the pool.
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