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yEd Live: How to open a file from Google Drive if it is shared with you by a third person?

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in Help by

1 Answer

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This depends on how the file is shared with you:

1) Shared as link:

Unfortunately, Google Drive links cannot be accesses directly from another origin (like yEd Live) due to security reasons. In this case, you need to download the file and save it in *your* Google Drive. Then you can access it through Menu -> Open -> From Cloud (Google Drive).

2) Shared directly (as file) with your Google Drive account:

In this case, the file is available in the "Shared with me" section of your Google Drive account. This means you can load it from within yEd Live through the Menu -> Open -> From Cloud (Google Drive).

Best regards,
by [yWorks] (1.4k points)
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