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examples in graphml primer do not work

0 votes
I try to find out how SVG code can be used in yEd. For this I copied the contents of the example file "graphml+svg.xsd" to notepad++ and saved is as ".xsd". I did the same with the code of "svg.graphml" but this time I could only save it as "xml" in notepad++.

With yEd I opened the file "svg.xml" and selected "graphml+svg.xsd" when asked for a xsl stylesheet. Unfortunately yEd returned the error message "could not import...".

Please tell me what to change to these steps to enable yEd to read the files.

Thanks and regards,

in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes

I assume you are referring to the example in section 4.2 Adding Complex Types in the GraphML Primer. This example is meant to illustrate the basic concept of structured content. It is not meant as a specification for SVG support.

In short, yEd does not support the approach used in the aforementioned example.

If you want to display SVG documents in yEd, create a user-defined palette section, import the desired SVG document into the new palette section, and create a corresponding node by dragging the SVG template from the palette section into the editor. Please see How can I use my own node symbols in yEd? for details.

by [yWorks] (160k points)
Cannot reproduce adding hyperlinks to nodes
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