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Cannot reproduce adding hyperlinks to nodes

0 votes
I tryed to use the example files of paragraph 4.2 of the graphml primer. This time I copied the contents of "graph.ext.attr" to Notepad++ and saved it as xml. I did the same with "graphml+xlink.xsd". Unfortunately yEd was unable to read the files and came up with an error.

Is this also an unsuppoprted feature? (As is SVG)

If so, are there other applications (from yworks or else) that support the following functionality:

1. Graph making with a force based algoritm.

2. Create nodes by SVG or other type of code input.

3. Allow linking information to nodes and edges.

4. Support graph input in xml or a derivative language.

I hope you can help me with this.

Thanks & regards,


related to an answer for: examples in graphml primer do not work
in Help by

1 Answer

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I think there might be a misunderstanding here. Section 4. Advanced Concepts II: Extending GraphML in the GraphML Primer provides examples that illustrate how to add custom extensions to GraphML. (In other words, this section illustrates the general approach for extending GraphML.)
This section may not be understood as a specification for links and SVG data.

That said, yEd does support (hyper)links for nodes. To add a link to a node, select the node in question in yEd's editor tab and enter the corresponding URL in the "URL" field in the "Data" section of the node's properties.

Again, yEd supports links as well as SVG data. It just represents the corresponding data in a more sensible manner than the examples from section 4 in the GraphML Primer.

In short, yEd does support all four of your requirements.

by [yWorks] (160k points)
hello, I think you might find a good example at this place that works with Yed :


best regards
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