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Possibility to have some locked area for some groups?

0 votes

Hi all,

is there any possibility to have charts separated to some areas?

Lets say, to some kind of WORKFLOW steps.

Actual, I have some groups and I would like to separate them by some splitter/line/area, but I don't won't to move them each time I'm updating/adding new groups.

Cool  stuff for me would be, if it's possible to add groups/elements/nodes to "Swin Lanes" or "Table". I not find any possibility how to add there some elements/nodes, just text, so I think it's not possible.

Lets say, some locked areas for some groups.

On the image you can see 3 groups. I would like to have them separated e.g.horizontaly.

Thx a lot for any suggestions.


in Help by (120 points)

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