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cannot load files from command line

0 votes
After installing the linux 64 bit version in ~/data/yEd-3.14.3, I tried opening a file with the command-line 'yEd' program. As you can see, the .graphml file exists, the yed files exist, but yed fails, as it messes up the path of the file it should load.

$ pwd


$ ls QFD_simple_yed.graphml


$ local:~/work%  ls ~/data/yEd-3.14.3

error.log  jre    lib  license.html  uninstall  yEd  yEd Graph Editor.desktop  yed.jar

$ ~/data/yEd-3.14.3/yEd QFD_simple_yed.graphml        

<opens window with>

java.io.FileNotFoundException: ~/data/yEd-3.14.3/QFD_simple_yed.graphml (No such file or directory)


I am guessing the yed script changes directory, and then tries to resolve the relative path of the file which of course fails as it is a relative path.

I think giving relative paths to a command-line program is an accepted form of specifying files, which should work.


How to fix this?
in Help by (180 points)

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