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Ctrl+arrows to link nodes while navigating between nodes

0 votes
Normally the arrow keys allow fast navigation between adjacent nodes.

I'd like to be able to rapidly link many adjacent nodes by selecting the first one, and then using CTRL+arrow keys to link nodes while navigating.
in Feature Requests by (310 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
You might want to try out the following:

1. Create a node.

2. Select the node.

3. Type "CTRL+W".

4. Type "CTRL+D".

5. Repeat 4 as needed.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
This is pretty good, I didn't know you could do that.

I find, though, that I tend to work by creating nodes, labeling them and then shuffling their order until I see what I like. THEN I link them.
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