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extra orphan edges

0 votes
If I look at the XML in graphml It shows more edges than I expect.  So I guess they are loop back edges, but I can't see them in the drawing.  What did I do to be blessed with these, and is there a way to find and eliminate them?  Since, they are making the code that I wrote which chews on the resulting graphml cranky - and we wouldn't want that!

Thanks, yEd is a very sweet bit of software.
in Help by (130 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote

If there are back loop edges which are not displayed those are most likely accidentally created "Arc" back loop edges. (Unfortunately, "Arc" does not yet support loop back edges.) You can try the following approach to make all those arcs visible again:

  1. Go to "Tools" -> "Select Elements", make sure "Use These Criteria" is checked for tab "Edges" only and set "Select" to "All Selfloops" on tab "Edges". Click "Ok". (This will select the invisible arcs as well.)
  2. Go to the palette section "Edge Types", right-click the "Polyline" or "Polyline with Target Arrow" template to open its context menu, and choose "Apply Type".
  3. Go to "Layout" -> "Edge Routing" -> "Orthogonal/Polyline", set "Scope" to "Selected Edges" and click "Ok".

Now, all loop back edges should be visible again and you can select and delete the ones you do not want.

by [yWorks] (162k points)
Thank you.  My pain has been relieved, and I feel young again.
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