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How to make the different relationships between nodes visible

0 votes
I would like to make a knowledge map with different flowcharts within my graph. I am making it using the adjacency matrix. How do I , in my excel sheet, control where and how my nodes will be visualized?
in Help by (120 points)

1 Answer

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On tab "Presentation" in the Excel Import settings there is a section "Layout" with a single "Layout" settings. This setting specifies which layout algorithm to use for arranging your diagram right after import. For flowcharts, "Hierarchical" is  a good choice.

Aside from that you can use an additional column with a group ID to put nodes that belong together into a shared group node.

Another approach would be adding columns for x and y position and mapping the corresponding values to node positions using the properties mapper.

by [yWorks] (160k points)
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