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Turn Text to Outlines

0 votes

Is there a way to turn text into outlines prior to exporting as an SVG in yEd? I am noticing that some text we are using as column headers overlap once exported and viewed on the web in Safari (sometimes this happens in Chrome as well).

I tried to resolve the issue by editting the SVG in Illustrator and turned the text to outlines. They ended up displaying fine on the web, but then step text would not appear on shape nodes. Any other attempt of editing this in Illustrator causes links attached to nodes to no longer work.


in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Unfortunately, yEd does not offer the option to turn text into outlines when exporting to SVG.

With the current version, the only workaround I can think of is using an SVG icon in the label instead of real text. I.e. create a SVG document that displays nothing but the desired text, select the label in yEd that should display said text, import the aforementioned SVG document as the label's icon, and remove the label's "normal" text.
by [yWorks] (160k points)
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