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How can I show a jpg floorplan background only in the top part, with PC descriptions below?

0 votes
Hello, I need to display a floor plan jpg at the top of my graph. Below the jpg, I would insert the PC images with their location information (seen in the jpg), IP information, etc...I have tried a background, but when I print it, the PC and information prints ON TOP of the jpg (which looks horrible). And the jpg background becomes the default image on all subsequent graphs! I dont want this!

Is there a way to do this?  Thanks.

in Help by

1 Answer

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If you do not want your image to be a background, do not use it as a background!

Display your floorplan as a regular node. See How can I use my own node symbols in yEd? for information on how to display image nodes.

by [yWorks] (160k points)
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