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Can I lock file while in use ?

0 votes
yEd is a great tool and I use it with my colleagues. This week we ran into a problem: our graphs are stored on a file server and two people edited the file in parallel. The problem was that after the first one opened the file the second was able to too.

Then the first one saved his changes and afterwards the second one. So the first one lost all it's work.

Is is possible to have yEd lock a file while it is open ?
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Unfortunately, no. yEd has no support for collaborative editing. You might want to think about using a version control system like Mercurial or Git for versioning GraphML files if this is a common use case for you.
by [yWorks] (160k points)
Does it make sense to file a feature request for this or is this too difficult to implement in Java ?
To be honest, chances are very slim that we will add support for collaborative editing to yEd. (Even though this has nothing to do with yEd being a Java based application.)
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