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Using labels in network diagrams

0 votes
Hi, I have created a custom network diagram using a combination of imported Excel data and the 'properties mapper' tool. I have the network map looking the way I want it - but I can't figure out how to make the node labels show up. I feel like I've done something right, as one single label is showing. However I can't seem to make any of the other labels show (across 83 nodes), even after playing around with the Label Placement function.

In addition, for the one label that does show, it is very small, and at an odd angle - I would like all node labels to be next to their nodes, in a readable size, and reading across the page (left to right) for readability. How can I achieve getting labels to show, and show in this format?

Many thanks.
in Help by

Unfortunately, it is impossible to tell what went wrong with the information at hand. Please share an example spreadsheet and your import configuration that let us reproduce the problem.

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