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Virus Warning

0 votes
I use yEd 3.9.2 and was prompted to update to 3.10.1.

I followed the link to the site and tried to download the new version for Windows, but it gets blocked by my antivirus (Avast). Even though I believe yWorks woudn't publish an infected installer, I believe other people could avoid the application because of this. Antivirus companies usually have a system where you can submit your program so it is not blacklisted.

Anyone else getting the warning?
in Help by

1 Answer

0 votes
Thank you very much for your report.

I have just downloaded the yEd Windows installers (in fact all yEd downloads) and had them verified by the AVG anti-virus tool (with up-to-date virus definitions). It didn't find any infections in the files.
Maybe it is sufficient to just update your tool's virus definitions?

In any case, an alternative to downloading an installer would be to run yEd via Web Start from our website.
by [yWorks] (23.7k points)
Hey, thomas, I had downloaded it anyway, I was quite sure it wasn't infected at all, just a false positive.
But Avast (up-to-date definitions) was warning me regardless, which means people that are less computer savvy might simply give up using yEd when faced with this, that was what I was talking about.
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