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force non-overlapping groups with layout

0 votes

Is there a way to force non-overlapping of groups (except, of course, a group within another group)?

Example: the layout I would to obtain automatically is:

But what I get when I use the tree layout is:

There seems to be no option to force non-overlapping of groups 1 and 2 within group 3, and non-overlapping of groups 3,4 and 5.


in Help by (660 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Best answer
Use Hierarchical layout instead of Tree layout. Be sure to set option "Layering Strategy" to value "Layout Groups" on tab "Grouping", though. Try "Horizontal Group Compaction" value "Weak" and "Straighten Edges" on tab "Edges" but not "Symmetric Placement" on tab "General" as well.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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