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Apply Automatic Flowchart Layout To Selection

0 votes
I am creating two flowchart diagrams in the same graph file.

After creating one and applying automatic flowchart layout, I tweaked the layout to fit my needs.

Then after creating the other flowchart diagram, applying automatic flowchart layout messes up my first diagram of course, since I can't "apply to selection".

This is easy to implement because I am talking about two disconnected graphs, so partial layout will be straightforward.


Please fix this :)

in Feature Requests by

1 Answer

0 votes

Specifically, I wonder if this is easier if the twographs are  grouped separately.  I am havign the same problem in that I would like different layout in different groups.

If you are fine with grouping, then the following approach will work:

  1. Create a group for each graph component.
  2. Close each group.
  3. Navigate into the first group (i.e. "Grouping" -> "View Group Content").
  4. Arrange the group content using the flow chart layout algorithm and tweak the result as needed.
  5. Exit the group (i.e. "Grouping" -> "Previous View").
  6. Repeat steps 3 to 5 for each remaining group.
  7. Open all groups (and delete auxiliary group nodes).
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