Generic Curve Routing

This algorithm replaces polyline edge paths with curved segments using cubic bezier splines.

This algorithm provides a generic way to add curved edge paths for a layout with polyline routes. It can be used as a post-processing step after applying a layout algorithm that produces polyline routes.

Layout Options


Determines the set of edges that the router should process.

All Edges
Routes all edges in the graph
Selected Edges
Routes only the selected edges in the graph
Edges at Selected Nodes
Routes only the edges connected to selected nodes

Curve Connection Style

The Curve Connection Style specifies how edges routed using a curved style connect at the respective source and target node.

Keeps the port and the first/last segment that the layout algorithm would produce without curve routing
Changes the part of a curved edge path such that the curves have a more organic-like and straight start or end

Consider Node Labels

The node labels are taken into account when checking for intersections and the routes are prepared to get an associated segment that fits the preferred placement of the label.

Consider Edge Labels

The edge labels are taken into account when checking for intersections and the routes are prepared to get an associated segment that fits the preferred placement of the label.