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Keeping same setings when exit

0 votes
Dock any certain windows (like orthogonal edge router .. and similar) to the left and arrange them the way I want then exit the tool.

When the tool is launched again, the order of these docked windows is lost.

Would there be any possibility to keep the docked windows the way they were when the tool was last used.



in Feature Requests by (120 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
yEd already stores the GUI layout when exiting and restores the previous layout when starting anew. If this does not work, yEd is most likely not able to either write to or read from its profile directory. Please make sure yEd has read/write access to its profile directory. (See "Help" -> "About" for the absolute path to yEd's profile directory.)
by [yWorks] (162k points)
I noticed that, but the keyword in my question was "arrange them the way I want" .. so, if you re-arrange the docked windows, e.g. two edge routing methods on top of each other, then that setting is not saved.

Hope the explanation is clear.

0 votes
Fixed as of yEd 3.20.1.
by [yWorks] (162k points)
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