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yed / win7 broken

0 votes

I am trying  the latest yed 3.12.2 in win7 / Java 1.7.0-04.

It works fine, so I can prepare a simple chart. But then yed freezes completely and cannot even get uninstalled automatically.

I tried to use JRE-less version and run java -jar yed.jar. It started, but GUI still did not work.

I can live with this, but, what is much worse, FireFox 28, 30 and Chrome 35 are affected and stop working properly. This is not fixed by the reboot, but somehow goes away after some time, never saw things like this!

I am doing Java development in Eclipse on this box and everything else is fine, so I am not going to change my JDK/ JRE just to make the flowchart editor work.

I think this situation needs exploration and fixing, proper notice would make sense on the download site.



in Help by (120 points)
edited by

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