Flowchart Layout

This is a hierarchical layout algorithm tailored for Flowchart diagrams. Amongst its main differences from a generic
hierarchical layout are support for user-defined directions of branch edges (outgoing edges of decision nodes)
and tweaks to enforce node alignment which produces a Flowchart-like impression.

Since some of its features are triggered by specific symbols, this layout algorithm works best with the dedicated
Flowchart symbols in the correspondent section of the palette.

Layout Settings


Specifies the main orientation of the layout.

Top to Bottom
The main orientation will be from top to bottom.
Left to Right
The main orientation will be from left to right.

Positive (Negative) Branch Feature

Specifies the label text that identifies a positive (negative) branch, that is an outgoing edge of a decision node.

Positive (Negative) Branch Direction

Specifies the direction of positive (negative) branches. This direction is relative to the orientation of the layout,
for example, edges of direction Left in Flow go to the right side for Top to Bottom orientation and to
the top for Left to Right orientation.

In-Edge Grouping

Determines whether incoming edges should be grouped or not. In Optimized mode, the incoming edges of a node are
grouped if there are three or more of them, but two incoming edges are left alone.

Allow Flatwise Edges

In general, hierarchical layout algorithms enforce that the end points of an edge do not belong to the same layer. If
this setting is enabled, this algorithm allows such edges, that is, edges with horizontal direction for Top to
orientation and with vertical direction for Left to Right orientation.

Minimum Node Distance

Determines the minimum distance between two nodes.

Minimum Edge Distance

Determines the minimum distance between two edges.

Minimum Pool Distance

Determines the minimum distance between two pool nodes.

Lane Insets

Determines the minimal distance between the border of a swimlane and its containing elements.